Spirit4theSeasons is getting in gear for the holidays! Take a look at the events we have to give back to others!
Kards for Kids
Spirit 4 the Seasons is looking for volunteers to help craft well-wishes cards for other kiddos in the hospital over the Christmas holiday. We provide all the supplies, you bring the creativity! Come down and decorate a card that another child will receive over the holiday. Santa will be taking all the cards down to the local hospitals to hand out to each child. Date/s: 12/10/2023 Time: 1:00 pm - 2:30pm Location: Lone Tree Library * All Volunteer slots are filled

Corporate Holiday Event
This event last year was very successful and we have been asked to participate again. @SpiritForTheSeasons has partnered with The WICT Network: Rocky Mountain and we will be raffling off Christmas/Holiday Crafts/decor at the WICT Holiday Party. All We are looking for some students that could make one or two items (Wreaths, Holiday Art Piece, Paintings, string art, Table Pieces, Holiday decor, etc). We will supply and deliver all materials. Below are some items that were made last year. We have a little bit of time on this but we need all pieces completed and picked up by 12/10. The student can claim up to 4 hours of volunteer time.